What are comfort zones? What makes or breaks them? What defines them? What are their parameters or boundaries?The existence of comfort zones is the most wanted thing in life. A make belief shield that is imbibed in us since childhood, a comfort zone is created to make us believe that everything in life is comfortable. Stopping us to learn and be prepared for the unknown challenges we face through the entire journey of life.
The entire journey, however, is to decode the myth of the comfort zone. which is nothing but a notion that makes us wary of facing fears in life.
When it comes to humans, comfort zones take a different turn as it is associated to all good and comfortable things in life. While we wish a good life for ourselves and everyone else, such is not the case always. To learn to accept what exists in our current situation, to practice overcoming fears and disappointments is to take a step ahead out of the comfort zone. To know the limitations of life, to challenge ourselves and take failure as our teacher. To be on a continuous fight to make the best out of life and break the limitations gifted by ‘comfort zones’.
With time, each and every experience in my life has enabled me to give up the set comfort zone, designed in my mind that I thought existed when I was younger. As I grew, I learned to build the best out of the worst of situations and times.
When carrying the baggage begins a burden and we are caught up in a tight spot unable to come out of that space, we must take a step and move out of that specific zone.

Yesterday was another day. Today is another. In such situations, it becomes vital to realize and reset our priorities. Every time I fail, I keep telling myself: This is the worst and the best I have to myself, and I have to live through it. All that is going wrong – it will pass. There is some unseen door which will open at the most unexpected moment. Not only for myself, but for all of us.
Each time the comfort zones try to scare me, I tell myself, have faith and embrace the unknown. In situations like this I repeatedly ask myself what is important. The finances, yes. More than that, it is my identity and integrity. My mental peace.The moment our fears know that we are stronger than them, they would not try to mess up with us. Dark situations are naked realities we have to learn from.

With multiple issues and responsibilities, it boggles me down at times, like anyone else I am sure. There are days when I find a blank canvas in front of me with no hope. But good grief! It’s blank. I can draw a random stroke across the canvas anytime.
That time is NOW. That space is Hope! That is where freedom lies, to explore and start from zero again. A voice from within tells me, with every comfort zone I decode – I grow one step closer in becoming a stronger human. This applies for all of us, to move with the flow, with what we have. With what makes us. With what we are. And in the process find ourselves.
Create your comfort zone in moments of ‘dis-comfort’, defined by you. Be prepared to face the uncertainties of life, and as you confront each one of those moments, learn to embrace them. To clearly identify the discomforts and accept and overcome them, like the peeling of the dead skin, let go of the set comforts we are used to.
We should take the journey through our ‘un-comfortable zone‘, to prepare us for the hard knocks in life. Taking risks prepare us to face the unprecedented situations in our life. They help us know move out of the ‘comfort zone’ and explore the potential we have.

That is what we all need to start trying, try to float. Yes, you just have to make it possible to take that one step forward. To just keep going on, for not being ashamed of yourself for anything, not drowning with how people judge us and go on with the flow.
The protected, safe and nurtured zone is a blessing indeed. However, the moment the bubble bursts – we curse life and blame situations or our surroundings. Comfort zones limits us to fears because of the little that we are allowed to know. Nothing can be taken for granted, nothing can be shielded by an unbreakable mold forever. Things will fall apart, things will happen in unpredictable ways, and that will teach us that ‘comfort zones’ are a myth.

To move out of the routine, to explore the unknown, to stand on the verge of an edge – We need to do it all to test ourselves. To take the test and to pass through them. Even if we fail, to learn to rise from them and that’s exactly how we learn that the comfort of ‘comfort zones’ are nothing but a myth.
Comfort zones teach us that the dark is full of evil happenings. Trust me it doesn’t. Explore life, talk to strangers, and take a walk down the untrodden path. Stumble. Fall. Be open to try new things in life. Even if that doesn’t work out for you, know that you will learn something from it. To move ahead and try again.